Most important constellations in our galaxy


When contemplating the sky we can observe countless stars but you know which are the most important constellations in our galaxy and in the universe, get ready to meet them in our content today!

The constellations are the place where a group of stars are grouped that, through an imaginary line, assume the form of some figure that can range from an animal to the figure of a warrior or hunter.

There are numerous constellations in our Milky Way, according to the International Astronomical Union, 88 constellations have been counted.

The most important constellations stand out for their beauty and magnitude, in addition to the usefulness they had for many sailors to know their destiny throughout history, a very popular legend is that of three magicians who followed a star from the East to reach a child who would be the messiah.

In winter seasons from November to February, the most important constellations in our sky are contemplated without any astronomical instrument. The most important constellations are: The constellation of Orion, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Canis Major, Caisopea, El Boyero, Cruz del Sur.

Above all, numerous myths and legends are contained in the most important constellations, ancient civilizations discovered them and gave many of them the names we use today.

It should be noted that these ancient ancestors did not have a telescope that allowed them to see the most important constellations, but they knew their movements, drew calendars, worshiped them as gods, and used them to guide themselves when traveling from place to place, like compasses. which indicate the cardinal points of our planet Earth.

Most important constellations in our galaxy – URSA MAJOR

Most important constellations in our galaxy

Ursa Major or Ursa Major is located to the north, it was present in many myths in different civilizations that gave it different names, the indigenous people of North America also visualized it as a bear that was followed by three small cubs called Alioth, Mizar and Alkaid. . This constellation is also known as the chariot.


Most important constellations in our galaxy

The Teddy Bear or Ursa Minor can currently only be seen if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. This constellation has one of the most famous stars, the Pole Star with which you will go to the North Pole.

In the Middle Ages period, the stars Kochab and Pherkad, which were at one end of the Teddy Bear, were used as a guide to navigate north.

Constellation of Orion

Most important constellations in our galaxy

About the constellation called Orion, be aware that there are several myths or legends of a giant hunter or warrior who was taken to heaven to celebrate his achievements as a hunter, it is believed that he was the persecutor of the Pleiades and went to heaven to continue chasing them.

This constellation can be admired from any hemisphere of the planet Earth, that is, from anywhere in the world where you are, you can locate it in the sky without the need to use any astronomical instruments. The brightest stars due to their magnitude are the stars Betelgeuse and the star Rigel which are supergiants.

The best known stars of this constellation are located in Orion’s belt and are also known as the Three Marys and the Three Wise Men.

Most important constellations in our galaxy – CANIS MAJOR

Most important constellations in our galaxy

The constellation of Canis Major or Canis Major is represented by the hunter’s dog of Orion, its most important star is Sirius, considered the brightest star in the whole sky, when the Egyptians left they predicted the floods caused by the Nile River, for some civilizations The south heralded the beginning of winter.


Most important constellations in our galaxy

This constellation of Taurus or Taurus is symbolized by an animal the Bull that is in a fight with the hunter Orion, within this constellation there is a well-known group of stars called the Pleiades, a set of seven stars also called the Seven Sisters.

It is believed that this constellation was known to our ancestors since the Paleolithic, as there are records in cave paintings of a bull followed by a set of seven stars.

As the brightest stars in this constellation, Aldebaran and Alnath stand out, as well as the Crab Nebula.


Most important constellations in our galaxy

The constellation of Leo is represented by the figure of an animal, the Lion, in Greek mythology it is the Lion of Nemea, who is believed to have killed Hercules.

It was used by ancient civilizations to determine the beginning of summer, because the heat started. The brightest stars in this constellation of Leo are Regulus, also called the Lionheart, Agieba and Denebola.



The constellation of Scorpio is represented with the figure of a Scorpion animal that according to mythology reached its peak in Orion causing the death of the giant, this constellation when it appears in the sky makes the constellation of Orion disappear, with it begins autumn.

The star that stands out in this constellation is known as Antares, considered the heart of the Scorpion.

Most important constellations in our galaxy – CASSIOPEIA

This constellation takes the form of the letters of the alphabet M or W, depending on the hemisphere where it is displayed. It’s a circumpolar constellation that you can go north with, if the Ursa Major constellation isn’t there, it’s another point of reference.

Most important constellations in our galaxy – CRUZEIRO DO SUL

Constelações utilizadas pelos navegantes

The Southern Cross constellation is the smallest of the constellations, with it you can orient yourself if you go to the South Pole. In many beliefs, it is estimated that this was the star of Bethlehem that the Three Wise Men followed.

Most important constellations in our galaxy – THE BOYERO

This constellation has the so-called star Arthur, which is nothing more than one of the brightest stars and serves as an orientation, especially if we want to follow Ursa Major. This constellation is related to the seasons of the year: spring and summer.

Throughout our content today, did you find out which are the most important constellations in our galaxy? Of all these constellations, which one did you find most interesting?

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