How To Choose Astronomy Book

How To Choose Astronomy Book – Best Tips!

How To Choose Astronomy Book. For those who love stargazing, reading an astronomy book is a great way to pass the time! These books can talk about the origin of the universe, black holes and even time travel! Big names like Carl Saga, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking are the most sought after.

If you’ve never read an astronomy book, but you’re dying to, don’t worry! In this article, we will teach you how to choose the best astronomy book so you can start your adventure. Check out!

What is and what is studied in Astronomy?

Astronomy is considered by some to be the oldest science in the world, since since prehistoric times the first men observed the sky. Today, with modern devices and years of knowledge, astronomy studies the life and death of stars, planets, galaxies and the universe itself.

In addition, astronomy has given rise to several other areas of study, all focused on the cosmos. Astrobiology research, for example, checks the chances of life beyond Earth. Astrophysics studies the composition, origin, evolution, and other aspects of celestial bodies.

It is common to refer to all of them generically as astronomy. Is it now clearer what astronomy is and what it studies? If knowing about this science of the ancients encouraged you, invest in books in the area. Maybe this is the initiative you need to start your studies! To choose well, read the article!

How To Choose Astronomy Book – How to Choose the Best Astronomy Book

If you are in doubt about which astronomy book is best for you, first bet on topics that interest you. Then, research a little and invest in well-known authors, with training and published books in the area. Now check out our top 10 below and pick the ones you like the most!

How To Choose Astronomy Book

Choose the Astronomy Book by the Topics You Like Most

In an astronomy book, several topics can be covered, from the possibility of alien life, to the formation of the universe. In addition, it is common that throughout the book the authors themselves propose existentialist reflections involving the immensity of the universe. Some recurring topics are:

  • Origin of the universe: dedicated to explaining the formation of the universe, the big bang and the formation of galaxies, stars, planets, etc.

  • Space missions: these books talk about human incursions out of Earth, demonstrating the importance of these trips and publicizing their results and possibilities. But, at the same time, they make important criticisms of these missions.

  • Death of the Sun: It is an accepted fact that the Sun will die, dooming the Earth and our system to an end. Speculations about the fate of the human race until then, as well as the solar system, are treated within this theme!

  • Evolution of galaxies: talk about the development and movement of galaxies, how they are organized and what is the role of celestial bodies in their functioning.

  • Time and Alternative Dimensions: The theory that time is just one dimension like width or height and up to 11 dimensions can exist. This theme is explored in astronomy, especially with the study of black holes.

  • Fundamental knowledge: it has basic explanations about the origin of the universe, naming of celestial bodies and overviews about space exploration.

  • Practical guidance: tips for observers on how to look for celestial bodies and observe the sky in general, ideal for amateur astronomers!

Now that you know what the main topics of the best astronomy books are, you can choose the ones that seem most interesting to you. If you’ve never read any such books, it’s a good idea to start with fundamental knowledge or the origin of the universe!

How To Choose Astronomy Book  – Discover the Top Authors of Astronomy Books

To pick a great book, you need to know some of the top authors! Almost always the authors of the best astronomy books are professors or researchers in the field. Carl Sagan, for example, is the author of several works, there are more than 20 books on the science of the universe and celestial bodies!

How To Choose Astronomy Book

However, there are authors like Schwarza who have a history of good content in other media, but without academic training in the area. In these cases, these astronomy works must be reviewed by professionals in the area, who attest to the quality of the information.

See the Year of Original Publication to Know if the Book is Current

Just like other sciences, discoveries happen every year in astronomy. So if you want to know the latest news, a book from 2018 will be more interesting than one from 1988. However, that doesn’t mean that old astronomy books are bad.

On the contrary! Some of the best astronomy books were written between 1980 and 1990. This is no accident, as in this decade the Cosmos series was first shown. Some books written in the 80’s are still considered essential, even 30 years later!

In the 2000s onwards, figures such as Stephen Hawkings and more recently Neil deGrasse Tyson became known in the media. As a result, astronomy once again became a subject of interest and more great publications were made in the years 2011, 2017 and 2018!

How To Choose Astronomy Book  – Images Enrich the Content of Astronomy Books

Illustrations are often used to explain important theoretical concepts such as black holes, orbiting planets, and other topics. Therefore, the use of images in astronomy books fulfills an educational function that can be fundamental. This makes the content more accessible to everyone!

How To Choose Astronomy Book

Furthermore, much of the fascination with astronomy comes from the beauty of the stars and the universe. Thus, it is normal for many astronomy books to have photos or illustrations. Usually, photos are collected from telescopes, probes and space missions. Cool, huh? Prefer books with illustrations and enjoy!

E-books Are More Practical and Economical

Although there are readers who do not give up having a physical book, the digital version can offer some practicalities and savings. Using an e-reader or electronics that read the digital format, you can have several astronomy books with you anywhere, stored and accessible in a single click!

Another advantage of digital books is that they are cheaper. Plus, you can pay for subscription services like Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited to get access to a full library. If these benefits appeal to you, see if the astronomy book you want is in digital format!

How To Choose Astronomy Book  – Check the Number of Pages in the Astronomy Book

Of course, the reading time depends on the content and who reads it. But the number of pages in the book can be one of the factors that define how much time you need to dedicate. So, if you want faster readings, there are good astronomy books under 300 pages.

It is also possible to find observation guides with around 150 pages. However, if you want more in-depth content, there are works with almost 600 pages! These books are usually very comprehensive, dealing with a variety of topics. Be sure to consider the number of pages!

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